Lightweight Time Tracker



  • Java 6.0 Runtime (JRE 1.6)
  • graphical desktop (e.g. GNU/Linux with X11, Microsoft Windows)

Note: The application may be used on Java 5.0 but it must be recompiled for this version.


  1. Download the software
  2. Create a directory (e.g. lwtt)
  3. Unpack the downloaded file into the directory


  1. Go to the appropriate directory (see above)
  2. Type java -jar lwtt.jar and press Enter.
  3. Windows users may run javaw -jar lwtt.jar instead.


If the program is started for the first time it creates a directory called .lwtt in your home directory. This directory is used for saving data. It currently contains only one file - data.xml. But it may contain more files in the future. If you want to backup your data, simply backup this directory.

The application is controlled using only two kinds of control components: buttons and table cells. At the top of the application frame there are four buttons. Under them, you can see the task table.

The data is saved automatically every 5 minutes and when the applications is closing.

Creating a task

Simply press the "Add" button. It adds a new task to the table.

Renaming a task

If you create a task it has the default name ("Unnamed task"). You can rename it by double-clicking at the name. The name becomes editable and you can now set the name you want. Task names need not to be unique and may contain any international characters. The new name is saved by pressing "Enter". You can cancel editting by pressing "Esc".

Deleting one or more tasks

Select as many task as you want (use Ctrl or Shift for multiple selection). Then press the "Delete" button. The selected task are removed.

Caution: This operation is irreversible and is made without any question. Please be careful!

Starting one or more tasks

Select as many task as you want (see above). Press the "Start" button. The selected tasks are started. If you start a task which has been already started it has no effect.

Running tasks are indicated by red color of the time consumption values. If these cells are not selected their background is pink. Not running tasks have the default foreground and background (usually black on white).

Stopping one or more tasks

Select as many task as you want (see above). Press the "Stop" button. The selected tasks are stopped. If you stop a task which has been already stopped (or not already been started) it has no effect.

Resetting one or more tasks

Select as many task as you want (see above). Press the "Reset" button. The selected tasks' time consumption is reset to zero.

Setting the price per hour

Select exactly one task. Press the "Properties..." button. The properties dialog will be shown. Then set the price per hour as you want, press OK when done. Remember that the total price of the task is always recalculated using the current value.

Terminating the application

Simply close the application window. The application saves its data and terminates.

How to use LWTT on a dual-boot machine

If you want to use LWTT under more than one operating system (usually GNU/Linux + Microsoft Windows) you only have to do very small amount of work. Simply make a symbolic link to one .lwtt directory (under your home directory) instead of creating a specific one for each system.

Please ensure that you can write into the directory under all systems you use. Not all filesystems are accessible under some operating systems (e.g. NTFS is NOT writeable under older versions of Linux!).

How to modify

As this program is licensed under GNU GPL you can legally create your own modified versions. In case you do so the first step is to download the source package. Because the program uses The Swing Layout you need to have it installed and accesible through the classpath.

For your best experience and comfort, NetBeans is the recommended IDE for playing with this program. The source package also contains a form file which you can use for easy modifying the GUI. Good luck!

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